English speakers use ‘sister’ and ‘brother’ mostly for people who share
at least one parent. Warumungu and Gurindji use these sibling words,
not only for these people, but also for the children of their father’s
brothers and mother’s sisters, and for the grandchildren of their
father’s father’s brothers and mother’s mother’s sisters, and so
on. So, some people that English speakers call ‘cousins’ are
called ‘brother’ or ‘sister’ in many Aboriginal societies. This is
called a ‘classificatory’ kinship system type,
specifically one with an unlimited extension of range (e.g. there is no
limit to the number of classificatory mothers and fathers one has).
Note that there are two ways of extending the range of a
kin-term. It can be done on the basis of role, e.g. calling a
close friend of your mother’s ‘aunty’, as English speakers sometimes
do. Or it can be done on the basis of kin relationship in
culturally specific non-arbitrary ways. A kinship term describing
a specific biological relation (e.g. people with the same parents) is
extended to other biological relations, e.g. calling your mother’
sister’s son ‘brother’.
Traditionally, all Australian groups have classificatory kinship
systems, as do many groups in Asia and the Pacific.
Australian Aboriginal classificatory kinship systems extend beyond a
person’s brothers and sisters. A person’s father’s brothers are
also often called ‘father’, while a person’s mother’s sisters are also
often called ‘mother’. However, there may be special words for
‘father’s sister’ and ‘mother’s brother’. The relationship
between a man and his sister’s children is very important in Aboriginal
societies. The terms ‘uncle’ and ‘auntie’ are not used in the
Austkin database, because the person called ‘uncle’ is typically a
mother’s brother and a person called ‘auntie’ is typically a father’s
Previous page: Kinship terminology & Sisters and brothers
Next page: Children and grandparents