Here are some words for relatives in the Gurindji language. We give our standardised spelling
and the community spelling, to show how these may differ. Also the meaning of the
word and its abbreviation. You can hear what the whole list sounds like if you
clicking on the sound file.
Community spelling | Standard spelling | Meaning | Symbol | Listen to the sound |
jaju | tyatyu | mother’s mother | MM | |
jawiji | tyawityi | mother’s father | MF | |
kaku | kaku | father's father | FF | |
kaminyjarr | kaminytyarr | female’s daughter’s son or daughter | fDS, fDD | |
kawurlu | kawurlu | sister | Z | |
kurriji | kurrityi | husband’s mother, female’s son’s wife | HM, fSW | |
kurturtu | kurturtu | female’s child, sister’s child | fS, fD, ZS, ZD | |
lamparra | lamparra | wife’s father, husband’s father | WF, HF | |
mali | mali | wife’s mother, female’s daughter’s husband | WF, fDH | |
mukurla | mukurla | father’s sister | FZ | |
ngajala | ngatyala | husband’s sister, female’s brother’s wife | HZ, fBW | |
ngaji | ngatyi | father | F | |
ngalawuny | ngalawuny | man’s son or daughter | mS, mD | |
ngamayi | ngamayi | mother | M | |
ngamirni | ngamirni | mother’s brother | MB | |
ngapa | ngapa | elder brother | eB | |
ngapuju | ngaputyu | father’s mother | FM | |
ngumparna | ngumparna | husband | H | |
ngunyarri | ngunyarri | mother’s mother’s mother (great-grand-mother) | MMM | |
parnku | parnku | mother’s brother’s son or daughter, father’s sister’s son or daughter (cross-cousin) | MBS,MBD,FZS,FZD |
Gupapuyngu (Yolngu) has a few more kinds of sounds than many other languages, including Gurindji. These are illustrated in the kin terms given below. Thanks to Waymamba Gaykamamu, the speaker, and to Charles Darwin University.
Community spelling | Standard spelling | Meaning | Symbol | Listen to the sound |
bäpa | baapa | father | F | |
momu | muumu | father’s mother | FM | |
märi’mu | maari’mu | father’s father | FF | |
marratja | marratya | man’s son’s son or daughter | mSS, mSD | |
ŋathi | ngathi | mother’s father | MF | |
dhuway | dhuway | husband | H | |
ŋäṉḏi | ngaarnrdi | mother | M |
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