Conditions of use : The AustKin project and database reflect the work of early sources and does not provide authoritative knowledge of Aboriginal culture. Locations on maps are indicative only. Read more...
Research outputs
Alpher, Barry. 2013 “Desertification of an Arandic dialect.” In
Kinship Systems: Change and reconstruction, edited by Patrick
McConvell, Ian Keen, and Rachel Hendery, 187-191. Salt Lake City:
University of Utah Press.
Denham, Woodrow W. 2011. “Familial generations tutorial.” Mathematical Anthropology and Cultural Theory:
MACT Lecture Notes and Working Papers 1:1-42. [LINK to article title:]
Denham, Woodrow W. 2012. “Kinship, marriage and age in Aboriginal
Australia.” Mathematical Anthropology and Cultural Theory: An
International Journal 4 (1): 1-80. [LINK to article title:]
Denham, Woodrow W. 2013. “Beyond fictions of closure in Australian Aboriginal kinship.” Mathematical Anthropology and Cultural Theory:
An International Journal 5 (1): 1-90. [LINK to article title: ]
Denham, Woodrow W. 2013. “Response to Comments on ‘Beyond
Fictions of Closure in Australian Aboriginal Kinship’.” Mathematical
Anthropology and Cultural Theory: An International Journal 5 (7): 1-12.
[LINK to article title:]
Denham, Woodrow W. 2013. “Response to Read's comment on ‘Beyond Fictions of Closure in Australian Aboriginal Kinship’." Mathematical Anthropology and Cultural Theory:
An International Journal 5 (9): 1-11. . [LINK to article title: ]
Denham, Woodrow W. 2014. “Residential group compositions among the Alyawarra.” Mathematical Anthropology and Cultural Theory:
An International Journal 6 (1):1-132. [LINK to article title:].
Denham, Woodrow W. 2014. “Comment on Vaz’ ‘Relatives, molecules and particles’.” Mathematical Anthropology and Cultural Theory:
An International Journal 7(4):1-3. [LINK to article title: ].
Dousset, Laurent 2011. Australian Aboriginal Kinship: An introductory
handbook with particular emphasis on the Western Desert. Marseille: pacific-credo Publications.
Dousset, Laurent. 2013. “Evidence for Systemic Outbreeding: A
Rejoinder to Denham, ‘Beyond Fictions of Closure in Australian
Aboriginal Kinship’.” Mathematical Anthropology and Cultural Theory: An
International Journal 5 (2): 1-15. [LINK to article title:]
Dousset, Laurent. 2013. “Inclusion–Exclusion: Recasting the Issue
of Boundaries for the Western Desert.” Anthropological Forum 23 (4):
Dousset, Laurent. 2013. “From Consanguinity to Consubstantiality:
Julian Pitt-Rivers’ ‘The Kith and the Kin’.” Structure and Dynamics:
eJournal of Anthropological and Related Sciences 6 (1): 1-13. [LINK
article title to:]
Dousset, Laurent. 2014. “From Structure to Substance and Back:
Materialities in Australian Aboriginal Kinship.” In Australian
Aboriginal Anthropology Today: Critical Perspectives from Europe.
Accessed 12 August.
Dousset, Laurent 2015. « De l’humanisation de la géographie : conceptions et organisations foncières dans le Désert de l’Ouest australien ». In C. Travesi & M. Ponsonnet (eds), Les conceptions de la propriété foncière à l’épreuve des revendications autochtones : possession, propriété et leurs avatars. Marseille : pcp, p. 95-115.
Dousset, Laurent 2016. « Parenté, territoire et démographie ». In M. Jeudy-Ballini (éd.), Le monde en mélanges. Textes offerts à Maurice Godelier. Paris: CNRS Editions, p. 297-317.
Dousset, Laurent, Rachel Hendery, Claire Bowern, Harold Koch, and
Patrick McConvell. 2010. “Developing a Database for Australian
Indigenous Kinship Terminology: The AustKin Project.” Australian
Aboriginal Studies 1: 42–56.
Hendery, Rachel and McConvell, Patrick. 2013. “Mama and papa in
indigenous Australia.” In Kinship Systems: Change and reconstruction,
edited by Patrick McConvell, Ian Keen, and Rachel Hendery, 217-238.
Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.
Keen, Ian. 2013. “The Legacy of Radcliffe-Brown’s Typology of
Australian Aboriginal Kinship Systems.” Structure and Dynamics:
eJournal of Anthropological and Related Sciences 6 (1): 1-31. [LINK to
article title:]
Keen, Ian. 2013. “The evolution of Yolngu and Ngarinyin kinship
terminologies.” In Kinship Systems: Change and reconstruction, edited
by Patrick McConvell, Ian Keen, and Rachel Hendery, 132-162. Salt Lake
City: University of Utah Press.
Koch, Harold. 2013. “The reconstruction of kinship terminology in
the Arandic languages of Australia.” In Kinship Systems: Change and
reconstruction, edited by Patrick McConvell, Ian Keen, and Rachel
Hendery, 163-186. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.
Koch, Harold. 2014. “Loanwords between the Arandic languages and
their western neighbours: principles of identification and phonological
adaptation.” In Selected Papers from the 44th Conference of the
Australian Linguistic Society, 2013, edited by Lauren Gawne and Jill
Vaughan, 311-334. Melbourne: Australian Linguistic Society.
McConvell, Patrick. 2012. “Omaha skewing in Australia: Overlays,
dynamism and change.” In Crow-Omaha: New light on a classic problem of
kinship analysis, edited by Thomas R. Trautmann and Peter M. Whiteley,
243-260. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
McConvell, Patrick. 2013. “Granny got cross: Semantic change of
kami 'mother's mother' to 'father's mother' in Pama-Nyungan.” In
Lexical and Structural Etymology: Beyond Word Histories, edited by
Robert Mailhammer, 147-184. Boston: Walter de Gruyter.
McConvell, Patrick. 2013. Comment on Denham’s ‘Beyond fictions of
closure in Australian Aboriginal kinship’. Mathematical Anthropology
and Cultural Theory: An International Journal 5 (3): 1-7.
McConvell, Patrick. 2013. “Introduction: Kinship in Anthropology
and Linguistics.” In Kinship Systems: Change and reconstruction, edited
by Patrick McConvell, Ian Keen, and Rachel Hendery, 1-18. Salt Lake
City: University of Utah Press.
McConvell, Patrick. 2013. “Proto-Pama-Nyungan kinship and the
AustKin project: Reconstructing proto-terms for ‘mother’s father’ and
their transformations.” In Kinship Systems: Change and reconstruction,
edited by Patrick McConvell, Ian Keen, and Rachel Hendery, 192-216.
Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.
McConvell, Patrick, and Claire Bowern. 2011. “The Prehistory and
Internal Relationships of Australian Languages: Prehistory and Internal
Relationships of Australian Languages.” Language and Linguistics
Compass 5 (1): 19-32.
McConvell, Patrick, and Laurent Dousset. 2012. “Tracking the
Dynamics of Kinship and Social Category Terms with AustKin II.” In
Proceedings of the EACL 2012 Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH,
98–107. Avignon: Association for Computational Linguistics.
McConvell, Patrick, and Helen Gardner. 2013. “The Descent of
Morgan in Australia: Kinship Representation from the Australian
Colonies.” Structure and Dynamics: eJournal of Anthropological and
Related Sciences 6 (1): 1-23. [LINK to title of article:]
McConvell, Patrick and Gardner, Helen. 2013. “The descent of
Morgan in Australia: Kinship representation from the Australian
colonies.” Structure and Dynamics: eJournal of Anthropological and
Related Sciences 6 (1): 1-23. [LINK to title of article:]
Simpson, Jane. 2013. “Warumungu kinship over time.” In Kinship
Systems: Change and reconstruction, edited by Patrick McConvell, Ian
Keen, and Rachel Hendery, 239-254. Salt Lake City: University of Utah
McConvell, Patrick and Piers Kelly (eds). Skin, kin and clan: The
dynamics of social categories in Indigenous Australia.
McConvell, Patrick and Helen Gardner. Finding kin. Melbourne:
Palgrave Macmillan.
Koch, Harold. “Patterns in the diffusion of nomenclature
systems: Australian subsections in comparison to European days of the
week”. In Historical Linguistics 2013: Selected papers from the 21st
International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Oslo, Norway, 5-9
August 2013, edited by Dag Haug. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Conference papers and seminars
Bowern, Claire. “Phylogenetics meets the Comparative Method:
Australian Kinship,” 12 March 2014, The Australian National University.
Dousset, Laurent. “From structure to substance and back:
Materialities in Australian Aboriginal kinship.” International
Symposium on Australian Aboriginal Anthropology. 22-24 January 2013.
Musée du Quai Branly.
Dousset, Laurent 2013. "The power of archives : are digital ontologies dangerous for research?
/ Le pouvoir des archives: les ontologies numériques sont-elles un danger pour la recherche?", Les matériaux de
terrain des ethnologues en Europe / Ethnographic archives Workshop: Nanterre: LESC -
MAE - Consortium des Ethnologues, 24-25 January 2013.
Dousset, Laurent 2014. Le système de parenté australien dit « Aluridja » : de l’aberration à l'analyse contextuelle,
Conférence au Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale, équipe Parenté et Logiques Relationnelles:
Paris: Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale, p. 25 mars 2014.
Dousset, Laurent 2014. Archiver les enquêtes collectives (table ronde avec Françoise Zonabend, Laurent Dousset, Sophie
Duchesne et Serge Wolikow), Enquêtes Collectives, 25-27 juin 2014: Dijon:
Maison des Sciences de l’Homme.
Dousset, Laurent 2015. Matérialités de la parenté. Exemples d’Australie et du Vanuatu, Conférence au séminaire interinstitutionnel SHS/Cresica. Nouméa : Université de la Nouvelle Calédonie, 08 octobre 2015.
Dousset, Laurent 2016. Territorialité à l’épreuve: reconnaissance étatique d’une géographie humanisée en Australie, Séminaire au Collège de France, Philippe Descola, Les usages de la terre. Cosmopolitiques de la territorialité. Paris, 07 avril 2016.
Dousset, Laurent 2016. Austkin. Intervention invitée au Workshop Comparative Analysis of Kinship Terminologies : Problems and Perspectives, Paris, LAS, 13 avril 2016.
Dousset, Laurent 2016. The fallacy of symmetry, or how Australian Aboriginal people think of kinship differently. Hambourg: Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Hamburg University, 8 november 2016.
Dousset, Laurent 2016. Digital science: dangers and opportunities for the social sciences and humanities (part 1). Seminario di anthropologia, Verona, Università degli Studi di Verona, 1 décembre 2016.
Dousset, Laurent 2016. Digital science: dangers and opportunities for the social sciences and humanities (part 2). Seminario di anthropologia, Padova, Università degli Studi di Padova, 2 décembre 2016.
Dousset, Laurent 2016. Certains concepts sont plus efficaces que d’autres. Autonomie et développement dans le Désert de l'Ouest australien ». in L. Dousset et E. Fache (organisé par), Conceptologies environnementales : ce que les notions font aux pratiques. Journées d’étude: Marseille: Aix-Marseille University, EHESS, 5-6 mars 2015.
Dousset, Laurent 2016. Langages de la parenté : parole en contexte, parole sollicitée/élicitée, in L. Dousset (organisé par), Langue en contexte. Journée d’étude : Marseille : Aix-Marseille Université, EHESS, 29 mai 2015.
Dousset, Laurent 2016. The dangers of mathematical beauty: are “pure forms” of Australian hunter-gatherer kinship systems really old?, in CHAGS 11. Vienna: CHAGS conference, 7-11 September 2015.
Kelly, Piers. “What is a ‘tribe’?: Changing conceptualisations of
Aboriginal social organisation from Howitt & Fison to AustKin 2.”
Australian Anthropological Society Conference, 6-8 November 2013,
Koch, Harold. “The development of Arandic subsection names:
issues of contact and chronology.” Australian Languages Workshop,
Stradbroke Island, QLD. 7-10 March 2013
Koch, Harold, Piers Kelly and Luise Hercus. “Moiety names in
southeastern Australia: distribution and reconstructed history.”
Australian Languages Workshop, 7 March 2014, Canberra.
McConvell, Patrick, and Rachel Hendery. 2010. “Using Queries on
the AustKin Database to Find Kinship Patterns and Systems.” Society for
the Anthropological Sciences/Society for Cross-cultural research
conference, 19th February 2010, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
McConvell, Patrick. “Kinship loanwords and their role in tracing
cultural prehistory. Australian Linguistic Society”, October 2013,
McConvell, Patrick. “‘Universal kinship’ and ‘sociocentric kin
categories’: Forager and/or ancient human traits?” Australian
Anthropological Society Conference, 6-8 November 2013, Canberra.
McConvell, Patrick. “Enhancing the kinship anthropology of
Scheffler with diachronic linguistics.” 21 May 2014, The Australian
National University.
McConvell, Patrick and Helen Gardner. “Morgan’s Australian
descendants: Fison and Howitt abandon kinship and save their skins” 26
May 2014, The Australian National University. Wednesday, 12 March, 4pm
AustKin workshops and panels
“How big is our family? Extensions and restrictions of kin and
marriage.” Australian Anthropological Society conference panel, chaired
by Patrick McConvell and Piers Kelly, 6-8 November 2013, Canberra.
“Finding and Understanding Historical Sources in Australia and
the Pacific: a workshop for Anthropologists, Historians and Linguists,”
28-30th January 2014, The Australian National University, Canberra.
“Garbled voices from the archives: Restoring Aboriginal words and
meanings in historical sources.” 15-16 April 2014, The Australian
National University, Canberra.