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Dousset, Laurent, Harold Koch and Patrick McConvell. 2015. AustKin Database on Australian Aboriginal Kinship Systems and Systems of Social Organization: The Alyawarr language., accessed 2025-01-14.


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AIATSIS Language code: C14

Alternative Spelling(s): (note that these are names or spellings through which this language may have been called in the litterature, but that they may be erroneous) Alyawara, Aliawara, Aliwara, Alja:wara, Aljawara, Alyawarra, Iliaura, Ilawara, Iliaura, Ilja:wara, Iljauara, Iljaura, Iljawara, Illaura, Illiaura, Illura, Illyowra, Iloura, Ilyauarra, Ilyaurra, Ilyawara, Ilyowra, Ilywara, Ja.


Click the terminology you would like to see (it will appear below): Alyawarr - Green dictionary (1990) ∴

Social Categories

Click the system you would like to see (it will appear below): sections (1965) ∴ subsections (1899) ∴ sections (1977) ∴ sections (2007) ∴ sections (1992) ∴

Marriage Rules

Denham, W. W. & White, D. R. (2005) Multiple Measures of Alywarra Kinship. Field Methods, 17(1), pp70-101

Marriage rules (note that these rules can be combined)
+ Matrilateral
+ 2nd CC
+ 1st CC