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Dousset, Laurent, Harold Koch and Patrick McConvell. 2015. AustKin Database on Australian Aboriginal Kinship Systems and Systems of Social Organization: The Oykangand language., accessed 2024-07-27.


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AIATSIS Language code: Y101

Alternative Spelling(s): (note that these are names or spellings through which this language may have been called in the litterature, but that they may be erroneous) Oykangand, Goondarra, Gundara, Kokatabul, Kokawangar, Koko-daua, Kokodue, Kokowanggara, Kuantari, Kundara, Kwantari, Oikand, Oykangand, Oykayand, Uw, Oykangant, Wangar, Wangara, Wanggara.


Click the terminology you would like to see (it will appear below): Uw-Oykangand (1967) ∴

Social Categories

Click the system you would like to see (it will appear below): sections (1939) ∴ sections (1976) ∴ patri-moieties (1938) ∴ sections (1938) ∴ totems (1938) ∴